Welcome to the XVII Course of Microsurgery: “Vascular Cerebral, By-pass Extra-Intracraneal and Skull Base”.
The XVIII Course of Microsurgery on “Vascular, Cerebral, By-pass Extra-Intracraneal and Skull Base” is going to take place in Madrid from
December, 13th to 16th, 2023 .
Vascular microsurgical course focused on cerebral revascularization and Skull Base.
Accredited with continuing education credits.
Estimados Colegas y amigos,
En 2023 os ofrecemos de nuevo la posibilidad de participar en el “XVII MICROCIRUGIA CEREBRAL VASCULAR, BY-PASS EXTRA-INTRACRANEAL, Y BASE DE CRÁNEO”.
Este curso brinda las habilidades necesarias para aprender y manejar diferentes tipos de anastomosis microquirúrgica. Está diseñado para aumentar las habilidades de neurocirujanos ya capacitados. El desarrollo permanente de la cirugía microvascular y las tecnologías endovasculares ha aumentado la necesidad de procedimientos de revascularización.
Podrás realizar anastomosis arteriales microquirúrgicas en animales vivos y modelos microvasculares experimentales.
Tendrás conocimientos sobre la isquemia cerebral y aprenderás diferentes técnicas de By-pass Extra-intracraneal.
La revascularización cerebral quirúrgica y el manejo de aneurismas también forman parte de este curso.
Basados en una investigación activa y una amplia experiencia clínica, este curso presenta el estado actual del conocimiento en el campo de la micro-neurocirugía vascular.
Los desarrollos técnicos de la neuronavegación, neuroendoscopia, etc. son grandes pasos hacia adelante pero no disminuirán la necesidad de experiencia microquirúrgica.
Además, las conferencias de reconocidos especialistas invitados nos actualizarán, con las posibilidades de la micro-neurocirugía en sus áreas de interés relevantes.
Haremos todo lo posible para que este Curso sea un encuentro científico y enriquecedor para todos los participantes.
Un cordial saludo.
Dear Colleagues and friends,
In 2023 we offer you again the possibility to participate in the “XVIII MICROSURGERY COURSE CEREBRAL VASCULAR, BY-PASS EXTRA-INTRACRANIAL AND SKULL BASE”.
This course provides the necessary skills to learn and manage different types of microsurgical anastomosis. It is designed to enhance the skills of already trained neurosurgeons. The continuing development of microvascular surgery and endovascular technologies has increased the need for revascularisation procedures.
You will be able to perform microsurgical arterial anastomoses in live animals and experimental microvascular models.
You will learn about cerebral ischaemia and different techniques of extracranial by-pass.
Surgical cerebral revascularisation and aneurysm management are also part of this course.
Based on active research and extensive clinical experience, this course presents the current state of knowledge in the field of vascular micro-neurosurgery.
Technical developments in neuronavigation, neuroendoscopy, etc. are great steps forward but will not diminish the need for microsurgical expertise.
In addition, lectures by renowned guest specialists will update us with the possibilities of micro-neurosurgery in their relevant areas of interest.
We will do our utmost to make this course a scientific and enriching meeting for all participants.
Best regards.
Course Directors
Francisco González-Llanos, MD. PhD
Chief of Service of the Neurosurgery Service of the University Hospital of Toledo. Spain.
Prof. Rafael García de Sola, MD. PhD
Director of the Chair of Innovation in Neurosurgery at the Autónoma University of Madrid. Spain.
By Pass Extra Intracraneal
Demostration: By-pass high flow in brain specimen.
Low and high-flow bypass for complex aneurysms and cerebral ischemia
BY-PASS in aneurysms of posterior circulation.
All demonstrations will be broadcast on a giant screen 3 D
Terminolateral. Laterolateral. Terminoterminal.
The Most Powerful Course.
One position per assistant with sufficient time to complete the practices.
Vascular microsurgical course focused on cerebral revascularization.
Accredited with continuing education credits 10.
Anastomosis Terminolateral
Demostration of anastomosis Lat-Lat by González-Llanos, MD.
Our Invited Faculty
Neurosurgeons international guests.
Demostration:By-pass STA-MCA in brain specimen.
Video Gallery
Anastomosis Termino-Lateral 1
Anastomosis Termino-Lateral 2
Anastomosis Termino-Terminal
In Femoral Model
Anastomosis Termino-Lateral
Sylvian Fissure
Opening the Sylvian Fissure
Anastomosis Latero-Lateral
In Femoral Model